Who is Oshosi?

Oshosi or Oshossi is an Osha of the group of the Orisha Oddé. This group is conformed by Eleguá, Oggún, Oshosi and Osun. He is one of the first Orishas and Osha that any individual receives. He is a hunter and is related to the jail, justice and with the persecuted ones. He is the thought that is able to be transferred to any site or any time to capture or to take something. He is symbolized by the arc and the arrow and is related specially to Oggún. Is considered a magician and wizard. His name comes from the Yoruba Osóssí (Osó: wizard, Sisé: to make work, Sí: for), literally “The one that works with witchcraft”. He was king of Ketu. Oshosi lives with Oggun, unless he is received like Orisha Olorí, meaning, crowning of Oshosi, then he separates from Oggun and receives a hand of snails and his eleke by Itá. Owner of the forest and the hunting, his ota (stone) have to be found there.

His number is the 3 and its multiples. His color is blue and his necklaces are made of alternate blue and choral beads or in other blue cases of 7 and 7 yellows. Compares with St. Norbert (June 6th). He is greeted Oshosi Odde Mata!

Oshosi's Family.

In Nigeria is considered son of Oduduwa. In Cuba, son of Obbatala and Yemú or Yembó. Was married with Oshun with whom he had a son, Logun Ede.

Diloggún in Oshosi:

He speaks by Ellioko (2).

Oshosi's Power Tools.

An arc and an arrow and a cage.

Oshosi's Tools.

He lives in a metal cauldron, his attributes are metal lances, arrows, arcs, traps, rifle, two dogs, a coat of animal skin, a hat of skin, powder, attributes of fishing, trophies of hunting, jars of deer, a tridente in form of great arrow, three acofá, a small mirror, a smart one, sword, machete, knife, a dove, a bird, etc.

Offerings to Oshosi:

He is offered canary seed, mijo, ñame, hunted brandy, anise, tobacco, birds, mandioca (yucca) and vegetables. Goats, roosters, quail, chicken, deer, dove, hens of Guinean, jutías, etc. are immolated to him. Some of his ewes are the cane santa, leg of hen, narcotic, romerillo, siempreviva, anamú, basil, rompesaragüey, atiponlá, peregún, peonía, verdolaga, avocado, guayaba, ceiba, poplar, carob tree, almácigo, wonder, pendejera, higuereta, gallant at night, plum, etc.

Suits of Oshosi:

Oshosi gets dressed in a combination of Elegguá and Oggún. The colors are lila or clear purple. Their cap and the purse on their shoulder are made of tiger skin. Oshosi always takes an arc and an arrow.

Dances of Oshosi:

When Oshosi comes down, the person always dances simulating to be shooting an arrow with an arc.

To crown Oshosi. Kari-Osha:

In order to crown this Osha one have to receive before the Orisha Warriors. During the ceremony one receives the following Oshas and Orishas.

Oshosi, Elegguá, Oggún, Obbatalá, Oke, Yemayá, Shangó, Ogué, Oshún and Oyá.

Paths of Oshosi:

  • Oshosi Speck.
  • Oshosi Kayoshosi.
  • Oshosi Alé.
  • Oshosi Marundé.
  • Oshosi Ibualámo.
  • Oshosi Otín.
  • Oshosi Onilé.
  • Oshosi Abedi.
  • Oshosi Bi.
  • Oshosi Gurumujo.
  • Oshosi Odde.
  • Oshosi Odde kills.
  • Oshosi Ode Ode.
  • Oshosi Burú.
  • Oshosi Belujá.
  • Oshosi Bomi.
  • Oshosi Kadina.
  • Oshosi Biladé.
  • Soft Oshosi.
  • Oshosi Tundé.
  • Oshosi Omialé.
  • Oshosi Deyí.
  • Oshosi Of.
  • Oshosi Tofáo.
  • Oshosi Elefaburú.
Characteristics of the Omo Oshosi:

They are intelligent, fast, kind to any signal, plenty of initiative, always alert to any opportunity, are hospitable, protective and loving of the family although his family sometimes suffers by his nomadic, Bohemian and unstable customs.

Legends or Patakies of Oshosi:

Oshosi was the best of the hunters and their arrows never failed. Nevertheless, he couldn't get their preys because the thickness of the forest prevented it. Desperate he went to see Orunmila, an he advised Oshosi to do ebbó. Oshosi and Oggún were enemies because of Eshu, who gossiped about each other, but Oggún had a similar problem. Although nobody was able to make paths in the thick forest quicker than him, he wasn't able to kill any piece as the animals escaped from him. Oggun went to see Orunmila too and he received instructions to do ebbó. He went to do the ebbó, so both rivals went to the forest to fulfill his. Without realizing, Oshosi drop his ebbó on Oggún, who was laying in a trunk. They had a strong discussion, but Oshosi apologized and they seated to talk and to count his problems to each other. While they spoke, in a distant spot step a deer. Quick like a ray, Oshosi get up and shot an arrow that crossed the neck of the deer leaving it dead. ” You see”, Oshosi sigh,” now i cannot take it”. Then Oggún took his machete and in no time he opened a path to the deer. Both of them very happy arrived to the animal and they shared it. From that moment they agreed upon whenever it was necessary they'll be there one for the other and realized than when separated they were nobody, reason why they made a pact in house of Orunmila. That is why Oshosi, the hunter, always walks with Oggún, the owner of irons.


